
Ordering food can be a frustrating experience with long wait times, not knowing when your food is ready, and lots of standing around. Luckily, mobile ordering might be an effective solution.


We were tasked by Avanade to improve the ordering experience of Purdue students dining at retail restaurants in Purdue’s Memorial Union (a university owned facility.)


The user group we focused on were Purdue University students who regularly dines at the Purdue Memorial Union.

Design ProcesS

We conducted online research alongside surveys and interviews with students and workers on campus, and found that...

More than 90% of respondents said restaurants had excessive wait times.

Students found that mobile ordering made getting food more accessible.

Participants found kiosks decreased wait times & helped order accuracy.

Restaurants don't provide enough information to users.

Visualizing the problem

We wanted to be able to communicate the pain points of the current user experience, so we created a storyboard and user journey map to illustrate this. For this project, I was given the responsibility of creating the entire storyboard.

User Testing:

We completed our low-fidelity sketches and did one-on-one testing in order to gain live feedback about our design and identify its strong and weak points.

"What if the shelves had tags that showed the order number? That way, the customer can still see where their stuff is"

“Font sizes should be adjusted to highlight the most important info, some are hard to read.”

“The flow to the profile info is not as visible; didn’t really know that it was a clickable button”

“Make meal swipe hours more clear. The app needs more clarity on why there’s Regular vs Meal Swipe options.”

Our final solution has two aspects:

A digital solution, in the form of a mobile ordering application that tracks the order as well as its progress, and a physical solution, involving cabinets for customers to easily identify their order and retrieve their meal.

Mobile ordering

To make the process easier for Purdue Students, we decided to integrate the login process with Purdue’s existing authentication system, monetary options and dining plans.

We added filters for dietary restrictions, time constraints and payment methods based on user needs and input.

Keeping users up to date on their orders allows them to track their order and ensure that it is delivered properly.

While we did not have the resources available to implement the physical solution, we were able to provide some sketches of how a physical product would be implemented into existing restaurants.


Based on user input and a their desire to see a physical component to the ordering experience, we designed kiosks and cabinets to assist in the experience.

what i learned…

The most important takeaway from me was that applying user feedback is the most important thing when it comes to designing an effective product.